Friday, August 7, 2009

Our NOT So Lovely Day

Today was one of those days that I was hoping could speed up, so it would just be OVER. Right now I have two girls lying in their beds...both mad at me...or, hopefully by now, asleep.
I could not win today.
We had tears from all three of us.
The emotions were; sad to angry,
small...very, very, small moments of happiness to pouty,
mad to sulky,
fairness to jealousy,
to not-fair,
to grieving...
an endless roller coaster ...
if it was not one child, it was the other...
or both...
or, me.
I finally gave myself a timeout in my bedroom,
door shut and no interruptions for maybe all of ten minutes.
Everything was just completely out of WACK today....
M wants to go back to Ethiopia.
She misses her Grandmother....
sometimes I forget that God is watching over us,
guiding us in the path we should go.
How dare I question His plan!
Lately, I have been wondering why in the world did we bring this little girl to America, when she has a family in Ethiopia that knows and loves her. Why are we aloud to adopt these children, when they have family that they have maintained contact with throughout their "orphaned" life?

Is this truly an orphan?

I love M, whole heartily.
She is apart of our family right here in America.
God lead us down this path of adoption and I know M. is the perfect fit for our family....
but it is simply crushing to see her little heart ache for her other family...

in Ethiopia.

In addition to the above;
we have the language barrier and many misunderstandings
that are interpreted as favoritism when it is truly just a misinterpretation.
Then of course,
Pancake feels left out because of all the attention M is getting.
....I know, I know,...its just one of those days.

Only by God's grace did we make it through today,
and I pray tomorrow we are rejoicing in whatever He gives us.


  1. Sorry about your day yesterday. I know what it is like and could see it in all of your eyes. I wish we could be of more help. Please let me know if there's anything we can do.

    Love you!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry you guys are going through this. It's so hard as a mother! Praying for healing of hurts and of hearts.

  3. Praying for a better day tomorrow - God loves you all and you are right! He is watching over you all...I know it is hard to feel it sometimes.

