Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Top 10 Keys To Being A Great Friend To Someone Leaving The Country To Adopt

10. Offer to water your friend's garden to make sure nothing dies while she is out of the country

9. Offer to swim in your friend's pool while she is gone, and of course take care of pool

8. Be on the emergency call list for any home, business, pet, or family emergencies that may
come up while your friend is out of the country

7. Plan meals for your friend for when she returns with a new child in hand, a tired family,
and a very tired self -so she will not have to cook

6. The week before your friend leaves, bring over fresh lettuce from your garden, because
you know she and her family are too busy to eat healthily

5. Clean your friend's house before she returns

4. Hang cheery "welcome home" signs throughout your friends house for her return

3. Make sure your friend's home is supplied with milk, oj, bread, homemade
adorable cookies, brownies, and a meal for her first night home

2. Drive an hour each way to & from the airport to greet with hugs, smiles and flowers your very tired friend and her family as they get off the airplane

And the number one key to being a great friend to someone traveling outside the country to adopt is.....

1. Before your friend travels surprise her with copies of her keys that you knew she needed to give to different people caring for the house & pets.....Oh and I guess along with this number 1 answer; PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

Thank you, God, for all my GREAT friends!

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